Yn erthygl , sgrifennodd
Jonathan Stott :
Spoke to her on the phone - she said that there was 7 inches in places
(Lampeter) but only 4 inches or so now after melting.
Heh she needs to live higher up! Very little melt here; certainly none
yesterday with a max temperature of 0.1C. Min last night -7.5C.
Currently 0.8C (3:48 pm) despite bright sunshine and I don't believe the
max today of 9.8 - must check my screen I think a little sun must have
got through it earlier.
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais uk