What was the actual hurricane damage in New Orleans ?
Bob Harrington wrote:
There doesn't appear to have been all that much wind damage to the
city from the storm, though there certainly was some.
Correct. Remember all the articles from late Monday about people
rejoicing at how the historic portions of the French Quarter,
especially, were relatively undamaged?
Katrina was bad for New Orleans, yes, but nothing unfamiliar to folks
who survived Andrew in 1992 (which literally wiped Homestead FL and
its Air Base from the face of the earth) or Ivan just last year, and
certainly nothing as bad as what Gulfport or Biloxi MS (also nearly
wiped clean) saw from it. It was the totally-unexpected levee
breakings on Tuesday that turned a familiar post-hurricane cleaup
story of the kind we've all seen dozens of times on the news into an
unprecedented national disaster.
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