NEWSFLASH: Hurricane Wilma Continues Towards Northern Gulf Coast ...
As of this moment, hurricane Wilma continues a north-westerly heading
towards northern Gulf coast ... ie. New Orleans, Mississippi, etc.
So far the hurricane has traveled much slower than anticipated, and the
sharp right-hand turn has yet to happen ... perhaps it will never turn,
but rather continue a more northerly heading towards the northern Gulf
coast and totally miss Florida.
I'm surprised there is basically zero discussion in the news media of
the possibility of the sharp right-hand turn not happening...
The only blurb I've heard anywhere is that some oil drilling companies
in the Gulf Coast region are very concerned and taking precautions, but
am not clear if there are referring to rigs, etc near Florida only
and/or elsewhere along the gulf coast.
Most likely the forecast will be right, but the fact is the hurricane
has so far been more intense, moved much more slowly, and more westerly
than forecasted, which should make one wonder if the models are way off
this time?...
And if so, what do folks here peg the odds at - that is what are the
odds of the hurricane continuing more northerly and missing Florida
completely? ... less than 1%, 1% to 5%, or even better than that...
Welcome thoughts.
Ron Bennett