MY MISERABLE STORY ......Hurricane Wilma
In article ,
Jo Schaper wrote:
I'm just tagging here on Jonathan's experience...but there is something
seriously wrong with a culture which does not teach its children how to
find water, food, and shelter without a supermarket and a big brother
government to assist you. Or, even, to "know when to hold 'em and know
when to fold 'em" in dealing with a natural disaster. Sometimes,
running to safety temporarily is a *good* idea...
Another example of this stupidity is the US tourist in
Cozumel who did not leave and is now complaining to news
reporters that Bush should send in the Army and fly him
out because the US is "the strongest and most powerful nation
on Earth". Having FEMA is getting to be a big mistake.
Nobody will budget nor expect to pay for cleaning up messes
left by weather. They will expect everybody else to pay
for it. Not only funding, but these people are now expecting
somebody else to do the actual work.