Snow & Cloud Photographs
In message , Les
Crossan writes
Everybody -
Some pix of these single cells marching down a warm North Sea.. the sky
really is that blue here!
All at 640 x 480 so dialup users can see them too!
Hi Les,
Came out 800 x 600 for me (72 DPI)?
OT rant
And don't remind me I'm still on dialup! I'm sick of Bt's ad telling me
how many thousands of people are using Broadband, and then saying
'What's keeping you?' Chance would be a fine thing! End OT rant
Blue sky and sunshine here and very little snow, though the garden pond
is well frozen. Can see snow on the hills.
Anita Evans
North Cumbria
(anita[at] to reply by e-mail)