- And on Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:54:42 +0000, it was spake thus said in message Mike Tullett :
The 11.25 Terra/MODIS pass today shows the snow cover, where there is
little cloud, very well. There seem four main areas covered - th NW of
Ireland near me, the N of Scotland, NE England and SE Scotland and Wales.
I've cropped a couple of images out of the main one and put them he
Anyone wanting to see them will need to be patient, as the servers are very
slow at present. The images will appear though:-)
Very good Mike, thanks
Have you noticed the patch/line in the middle of the country that appears to
be missing the snow... Appears to be in my sort of area - can't quite pinpoint
it exactly as the Eastern coast outline is obscured by the cloud cover - Have
save a screen capture from the 250Mtr Modis image and posted to
I seem to recall some sort of discussion about something similar a few months
ago after the last snow - or was it last year ?!?!?
Nick in Northallerton
Also nickw7coc on both Yahoo Messenger & on MSN Messenger