A range of weather-related phenomena in the lower atmosphere generates
gravity waves. Examples include fronts (e.g., Eckermann and Vincent 1993),
squall lines (Alexander et al. 1995), convective clouds (e.g., Alexander and
Pfister 1995), cyclogenesis (e.g., Powers 1997), typhoons (e.g., Sato 1993),
geostrophic adjustment of jet steams (e.g., Kaplan et al. 1997), flow over
mountains (e.g., Ralph et al. 1993), and so on. If wind patterns aloft are
favorable, some of these waves can propagate into the middle atmosphere. Due
to decreasing atmospheric densities, gravity waves grow in amplitude with
height and so must eventually generate instabilities and "break."
Strongest upward motions with Gravity Waves occur just following the surface
pressure trough and lead to maximum precipitation rates just ahead of the
Gravity waves typically form within or near the back edge of a precipitation
Recent studies indicate that Gravity Waves may occur as frequently as 34% of
the time in the Central US during the Winter months.
Above taken from this great link on gravity waves and forecasting:
"Perry" wrote in message
Thanks, Jim. I think I may have to read that several times before I get
"Jim" wrote in message
"Perry" wrote in news:3fd5d860$0$14952
Can someone explain to me what gravity waves are?
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