Pierre, thanks for your reply !! It's great to hear they have so much snow.
We are staying at the Auberge Estrimont. It should be great. Thanks.
"Pierre Belanger" wrote in message
Sorry about the delay...was out of town...
Mount Orford and Mount Orford are in the Eastern Townships of Québec,
a 3 hour drive east from here, just north of the New York and New
borders. Temps are a bit *milder*, which in the case of below 30 deg.
is not much, but they do have a load more snow than we do...we have about
inches on the ground, and they have at leat 2.5 to 3 feet.
Currently here at my place, we have light snow falling (visibility about 4
kms - about 2.5 miles) with an air temp of -18 deg. C (0 deg F), but no
tonight. Expecting about 3-5 cms (1 to 2 inches). Very small flakes...
Have a good trip!
Bon voyage.
"Hank Sniadoch" wrote in message
Pierre, my ski club will be visiting ski areas near you in a month at
Orford and Mt. Sutton ..... are they as cold as you ??
"Pierre Belanger" wrote in message
Hey all...
Another cold one this morning here in southern Quebec. 8am minimum
thermometer reading of -40C (-40F) and with the sunrise, up to a
balmy -39C.
At least its sunny out and no wind yet, but we should be getting some
nothernly winds up to 20 or 30 kph later this morning, so more
wind chills this afternoon. Time to throw another log on the
think, that in about 4 months from now, I'll be swimming in the lake
currently has almost 70 cm of ice thickness! ...about 30 inches...I
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