I just looked at the weather.com information for Fitchburg, MA.
The report shows the current temperature (actually, the 7:52 PM
temperature) as 81 degrees. Looking at the hourly forecast, the 9 PM
temperature is predicted to be 71 degrees, 68 at 10 PM, and so on.
I've checked the weather reports for a few local towns several times
today, and the situation was always the same: The current temperature
has been much higher than the series of temperature predictions in the
hourly forecast. And today isn't unique -- I've seen that happen many
times with errors in both directions.
My question is: How can this happen?
I can understand how distant forecasts can be off, but shouldn't the
current temperature be a strong factor in short-term temperature prediction?
Thanks for any insight.
B.J. Herbison /
/ http://www.herbison.com/herbison/bj.html
The Next Asylum / 203 Long Hill Road / Bolton, MA 01740-1421 / +1 978
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