TWC hourly forecast today for Mount Pocono :
Friday, May 14 Temp °F Feels Like Dew Point Precip. Humid. Wind
12 PM Mostly Cloudy 65° 65° 59° 20% 69% From the South at 8 mph
1 PM Mostly Cloudy 67° 67° 60° 20% 66% From the South at 8 mph
2 PM Mostly Cloudy 70° 70° 60° 20% 64% From the South at 9 mph
3 PM Partly Cloudy 72° 72° 61° 20% 61% From the South at 9 mph
4 PM Partly Cloudy 74° 74° 59° 30% 59% From the South at 11 mph
5 PM Partly Cloudy 75° 75° 59° 30% 59% From the South Southwest at 11 mph
6 PM Partly Cloudy 74° 74° 59° 30% 60% From the South Southwest at 10 mph
7 PM Showers 72° 72° 59° 40% 63% From the South Southwest at 8 mph
The daily forecast :
High/Low (°F) Precip. %
May 14 Partly Cloudy 76°/60° 20 %
Now some of the hourly probabilities are greater than the daytime ones,
which is impossible
Someone in charge probably graduated with a D- in probability & statistics.
I would direct these concerns to them, but I've never seen an indication
they consider them. We were discussing this here.
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