"Tim O'Neil" wrote in message
I installed the Heavy Weather software for my LaCrosse 2310. I
noticed in the task manager that it is using any where from 10 - 18%
of my CPU. I'm running a 1.7 ghz AMD processor, so I consider this
pretty significant.
Does other software use this much CPU power?
Hi Tim,
I have a 2310 as well. I normally don't use heavy weather but loaded it test
for cpu usage and noted cpu usage similar to yours (I have a P4 1.9 ghz
system) so I guess that the software really is that much of a resource hog.
You might want to consider getting a copy of Weather Display written by
Brian Hamilton. I have been using it for over a year now and haven't had
any trouble with it. It shows 0% cpu usage with an occasional jump to 1 or
2 %. It also lets you create a website and set an autoupdate schedule so
your website gets updated at any interval you choose. I've been using the
software for over a year now and highly recommend it. You can use it free
for 30 days and then it is $67 but you get free lifetime updates after that.
He has added several new features since I bought a license.
You can look at the output of my station generated by Weather Display at
There is a link to the Weather Display website at the bottom of my page.
Steve P
West Hampstead Weather
Weather Underground Station ID KNHAMPS1
Citzen Weather Observer Program Station ID CW1984
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