On 15 May 2004 13:22:37 -0400, The Artist Formerly Known As Your
Highness wrote:
On 15 May 2004 03:52:25 -0400, Joseph Bartlo
For the case I was mentioning, the specific location was not an issue. For
that, they clearly overestimated the potential for rain - no different than
my 70 % for Thursday.
The thing I am criticizing is forecasting HOURLY probabilities which are as
great or sometimes greater than DAILY ones. That is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE.
The NWS gets around this in their tabular forecasts by placing a
qualitative description in the precip block. Their tabular forecasts
are experimental and aren't used in all regions. BWI is using it,
Note that they differentiate between rain and thunder.
Whoops, it's not BWI, it's Sterling, VA's NWSFO that's issuing this
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