Miami, FL, May. 17 (UPI) -- Colorado State University forecaster
William Gray says he is inaugurating localized seasonal hurricane
predictions despite NOAA objections.
The National Hurricane Center in Miami said the non-National Weather
Service predictions might be misleading since they might contain low
probabilities people would take them too lightly.
Gray's team of scientists in Colorado said by the time a new Website is
officially released next month, the objections may be softened. The
preliminary site was taken down Monday.
The preliminary figures, for example, showed the percent probability of
a hurricane hitting Miami-Dade County, Fla., is only 8.7 percent.
Broward County, where Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is located. is 3.9 percent.
Broward has much less coastline than Miami-Dade.
Charles M. Kozierok )
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