As mentioned in my Friday Ashland morning post, each of the previous 13 days
had averaged at or below normal. Here is a list of daily highs/lows during
this period. and average high/low.
5/22/2004 64/47
5/23/2004 73/48
5/24/2004 58/49
5/25/2004 55/47
5/26/2004 55/46
5/27/2004 70/49
5/28/2004 63/53
5/29/2004 61/46
5/30/2004 69/43
5/31/2004 71/43
6/1/2004 55/48
6/2/2004 75/48
6/3/2004 73/52
Average 65/48
You will notice see the daily highs tend to vary much more than daily lows.
In fact:
Standard deviation highs = 7 degrees
Standard deviation lows = 3 degrees.
In other words, a majority (about 68%?) of the highs are in the range of 58
to 72 degrees. In contrast, lows tend to range between 45 and 51 degrees.
Put another way, highs tend to vary more than twice as much as daily lows.
Thinking ³meteorologically² it is not surprising that this is so. An
obvious reason is solar heating or lack of the same.
Its you job to come up with a least three more reasons to explain why daily
highs tend to vary to a much a greater degree than daily lows.
Jot - Ashland, MA
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