I move pretty fast for an old broad. Especially when someone downstairs is
yelling "Smoke! Smoke!" It was definitely as close to lightning as I
ever want to get.
"Tom Adams" wrote in message
"Perry" wrote in message
I believe the Thursday bolt was around 3p.
I left Friday at 2:01p!
I thought it was odd that, two days in a row, 300 yards apart, there
two lightning hits. Where's Jot with his statistics?
"Tom Adams" wrote in message
"Perry" wrote in message
Thursday afternoon, a man was hit by lightning down the street from
where I
work in Lincoln, MA, a few hundred yards away. He's going to live.
Friday, my building was hit by lightning. I decided that was god's
telling me to go home early and have a happy Fourth of July. 
Happy Fourth of July everyone!
OK, so at what time did the man get hit and at what time did you leave
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You left only a minute after a bolt hit your building? You're
fortunate God was in a good mood. The same can't be said for that
other guy.
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