"Meteorologically Disturbed" wrote in message news:BvV6d.147260$D%.2374@attbi_s51...
1.) Punta Gorda ASOS did not stay online. It was put out of commission
subsequently after a 109 mph wind gust, some 10-15 minutes before the
strongest winds hit (go back and note the time and surface pressure of that
PGD went through an outer and inner eyewall and reported critical
information about what was going to occur as Charley went farther into
the interior of central Florida. Some people like to and need to
specifically know what is coming at them.
2.) How would surface observations have saved lives and property,
considering hurricane warnings had been out for 2 days. This is the most
ridiculous nonsense I've read this week and it's only Thursday. Would the
hurricane go "OH NO I'VE BEEN MEASURED!" and quickly weaken to prevent
further damage?
LOL...wouldn't expect anything else out of the "Smerb".
That data was crucial for the Orlando metro area in that before power
went out, the local media warned the residents of a highly populated
region to be prepared for 100+ mph wind gusts, some of the highest
ever recorded at the local airport. If it wasn't for the PGD ob some
people would have ventured out with no respect of the power of
Charley. People depend on continuous updates of the weather, they will
take it in any way shape or form and surface observations are very
crucial. Knowing that 100+ mph damaging winds are coming to your area
would convince some people well inland to be serious about protecting
there lives and property.
What do you proprose as a solution? If you actually took the time
to read
the previous posts, you're realize that the obs are under FAA control now.
When the airport is closed for commercial traffic, they simply don't give a
hoot! Chalk one up for the ol' NWS here where you had dedicated
meteorologists and a true passion for observations and climatology. Thank
Uncle George W for that transition! So, instead of blasting at a poor,
defenseless instrument array full of metal parts, why not contact the local
airport representative(s) and ask them how their power feed and more
importantly their COMMUNICATIONS feed are wired and why they failed in
tropical storm force winds?
Why do some ASOS stations handle hurricane force winds while others
malfunction in TS force winds or even less. Why do some ASOS stations
continue to report after commercial traffic is closed while others
don't. Could it be a lack of simple inexpensive maintenance?
Sorry, but Lou's posts seem for more up and up on the intelligence scale.
Tell Uncle Joel and Aunt Barry I said hi!
Papa Smurf
I'll tell them you said hi, and if you are ever interested in working
at accuweather the door is open.
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