Why don't you grow some balls and use your real name? Because it
would reveal you were a former employee? Ah ha!
LOL. So glad I did my weekly poll of this dribble. You couldn't be any
farther from the truth. The tour of I was given of that sweat shop as a
freshman some many years ago was enough to steer me and the rest of my
colleagues away from that dump. Oh wait, was there a clue in that last
sentence?! And then they unveiled the NEW building....such a move out of
scattered small houses. Yes, for those of you unaware, AccuWeather was run
for decades out of converted residences in State College. So...why not spend
millions on a state-of-the-art facility instead of the personnel's wages? I
mean it's the facility that makes the forecasts anyways, right?? Sorry, Ray.
Only a fool with a C or less grade point average and a MUST HAVE desire to
live in State College would succumb to the hours, wages, ethics, and poor
benefits offered by said organization. State College is a GREAT town (one
I'd personally rate in the top 10 in this country), but if you think I would
give up six figures for $25-30K per year just to live in SCE, you have GOT
to be kidding. My expertise isn't worth an hour of Joel's time. Did I hurt
your feelings Ray? The statistics don't lie. It's a shame that you couldn't
do better, you deserve it. So many have seen the light and left, why not
follow suit?
Of course that's getting off the topic and I have yet to see either one of
you actually research the power/comms issues with the FL observation network
during the hurricanes. Is that too much work? I already gave you several
leads. I mean I know AccuWeather is heavily involved in research and all
sarcasm. Such a large contingency at the AMS conference (LOL!!). Another
Brainy Smurf
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