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Old October 13th 04, 03:34 PM posted to
Raymond C Martin Jr Raymond C Martin Jr is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: May 2004
Posts: 68
Default Blue Hill

"Meteorologically Disturbed" wrote in message news:CrEad.220560$MQ5.176351@attbi_s52...

Why don't you grow some balls and use your real name? Because it
would reveal you were a former employee? Ah ha!

LOL. So glad I did my weekly poll of this dribble. You couldn't be any
farther from the truth. The tour of I was given of that sweat shop as a
freshman some many years ago was enough to steer me and the rest of my
colleagues away from that dump. Oh wait, was there a clue in that last
sentence?! And then they unveiled the NEW building....such a move out of
scattered small houses. Yes, for those of you unaware, AccuWeather was run
for decades out of converted residences in State College. So...why not spend
millions on a state-of-the-art facility instead of the personnel's wages? I
mean it's the facility that makes the forecasts anyways, right?? Sorry, Ray.
Only a fool with a C or less grade point average and a MUST HAVE desire to
live in State College would succumb to the hours, wages, ethics, and poor
benefits offered by said organization. State College is a GREAT town (one
I'd personally rate in the top 10 in this country), but if you think I would
give up six figures for $25-30K per year just to live in SCE, you have GOT
to be kidding. My expertise isn't worth an hour of Joel's time. Did I hurt
your feelings Ray? The statistics don't lie. It's a shame that you couldn't
do better, you deserve it. So many have seen the light and left, why not
follow suit?

Without a name or company affiliation, your post here is meaningless
anonymous usenet drivel. Why don't you reveal yourself and your
company affiliation? I showed this to one person who after reading it
believed that you were a CURRENT AccuWeather employee.

Of course that's getting off the topic and I have yet to see either one of
you actually research the power/comms issues with the FL observation network
during the hurricanes. Is that too much work? I already gave you several

You gave us your theories about communiction/power problems. However,
I actually watch stations on a regular basis as well as check NCDC
files from time to time. Your claim about communication problems
appears baseless, because of the following: When an ASOS cannot
transmit, it files the observation internally and appends it with
FIBI. Such was the case in December, when KPNE could not send
reports. All of those observations are now in the NCDC database.
However, this is not the case with the Florida stations.

As far as power problems, while that may be the case with some (and
you completely ignored my arguments of why power should NOT be an
issue, so I won't repost them again), again there are other stations
where clearly instrument failure was a problem. How do you explain
observations like these?

METAR KORL 050853Z 04028G35KT 10SM RA SCT015 BKN021 OVC026 25/24 A2946
RMK PK WND 06039/0828 SLP978 P0009 60026 T02500244 56029
METAR KORL 050953Z 24/24 A2943 RMK RAEMM PRESFR SLP968 P0006 T02440239
METAR KORL 051153Z A2937 RMK SLPNO 6//// 7//// 56028 PWINO FZRANO $

Looks like instrument failure to me.

Raymond C. Martin, Jr.
Associate Meteorologist, AccuWeather Inc.-
New Jersey Expressways and Tollways -
Ray's Winter Storm Archive -

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