Anyone else got hayfever?!
"Richard Dixon" wrote in message
. 1.4...
Dear All
Slightly off-topic I realise.
With the pleasant weather this week, my hayfever has started quite
since yesterday (I normally suffer in the early summer, tree pollen?) -
anyone else noticed the effects starting?
Hi Richard,
Yes I noticed this also - but in Paris... I was there on business from
Sunday eve until Weds eve and I started to get itchy eyes, runny nose,
sneezing etc for the three days I was there. I'm now back in the UK and it
seems to have calmed somewhat now. I guess Spring was a bit more advanced
than it was here and it took my body by surprise.. (either that or it was
caused by the layer of smog/pollution that seems to sit over the top of
Paris most of the time..)