Where are you located? BTW, I don't have the fan-aspirated unit and find
that my temps in sunshine can be off by 3-4 degrees so I'm thinking about
getting the unit. Regarding accurate temperatures, I bought 3 National
Weather Service thermometers and find that I still can't determine an
accurate temperature .... good luck .....
"Randy Given" wrote in message
Got it! It currently is set up inside until the weather gets warmer, in a
couple days, and have someone to watch as I put the tripod mast on the
A question: how accurate is the ISS fan-aspirated temperature of the Davis
Vantage Pro 2 out of the box? It shows that my two other indoor
thermometers are high by 2 and 3 degrees. Should I adjust the console to
match the ISS temperature, the average of all three, or the raw data
(probably not the latter because it is even higher).
By the way, the manufacturer said that for my WIRELESS unit, I should NOT
ground it. I'm 50-50 and crossing my fingers. 
Should be putting data on WeatherUnderground in a week or so. Considering
CWOP as well, if they can both be run at the same time.
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