Through the Ides of March, the average temp departure here in Ashland, MA is
an unpleasantly chilly -7 degrees. I crave toasty temps. This leads me
to the following question...
Assuming that I have complete climate records for the past 100 years here in
Ashland, what is the probability that there will be at least one record high
temperature registered this coming April here in Ashland?
(a) .4%
(b) 7%
(c) 13%
(d) 26%
Don't just take a stab at the answer. Explain your choice and email your
answer to
and post in on the Newsgroup if you wish.
(Hint - A spreadsheet, calculator, or for the mathematically nostalgic among
us, logarithmic tables, will be useful)
Jot In Ashland
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