To mr. Desdomonus and some others in this thread with similar
statements: To put it in your own language:
Yes, cut back any dollar from any meteo service! Stop all weather
forecasting which is coming from these unpatriotic UN loving scare
But if you are then wrecked by a surprise hurricane or by a surprise
flash flood, don't moan. Then you just received what you deserve.
To all the other (hopefully more sensible) readers:
In my view often some exaggeration takes place in these sort of press
statements (although, if I compare them with what is common among
politicians - see the whole fuss about, non-existent, WMD's in Iraq -
they don't score too badly ...), but if you don't do that they won't
get publicized. So, I don't bother too much.
I hold the press in general in a not too high esteem. Their
scientific knowledge is often abysmal. I'd rather try to go on my
own judgement based on as complete information that I can get and then
try to get a proper picture without selective shopping. The latter is
often done by both greenhouse sceptics and some environmental NGO's.
My own view:
Mazzel & broge / kind regards, Evert Wesker
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (redirect URL, no adv's), or
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 19:42:36 +0100, "DESMODUS"
Its the World Met office thats gone wonky not the weather ! Apparently there
are plans to cut their budget so they feel the need to cobble together some
******** to justify their existence -DESMODUS