Meteorologists! Stop it! There is no hectopascal.
In article , R. Martin wrote:
Gene Nygaard wrote:
IMO David is correct. For ease and clarity of communications,
especially among professionals, the professionals doing the
communicating should, as they always have, choose the units.
It is a convention, perhaps less formal than SI, but a manmade
convention none the less, and nothing is sacred about any of them,
including SI, as long as they do the job.
Many years ago, a colleague gave a seminar discussing a flash flood event.
He mentioned that the rainfall rates from these storms were XX inches/hour,
then backtracked and, with a wink, give them in SI units of meters/sec.
Very useful number in the first form, totally useless in the second. And
the original value could have been given in cm, or mm, or m per hour and
still been usful.
Sometimes SI units get in the way of communicating information.
David Blanchard