"Nick" wrote in message
- And on Fri, 2 Apr 2004 20:34:32 +0100, it was spake thus
said in message "Nigel"
Nice little thunder storm passing me at the moment- quite slow moving
north. Sholud be hitting you Ken in Copley???
Leyburn. Yorkshire Dales
My sister phoned me about half an hour ago to talk about it, and as she
was on
the phone the mains power went off for about 20 seconds.
She's half way between Northallerton & Darlington...
There's been some stunning flashes, a friend on the hill tops above
Catterick's not lost his power, and he's normally one of the first !?
Just taken a look at the www.ukstorms.com site which used to have a very
to follow lightning data track for the UK and I didn't see any activity 
There's quite a bit shown on
According to http://www.meto.gov.uk/weather/europ...index.html#top
there's been some real deluges, but there's only been a little shower here
now totally clear...
Seems to have been moving NE...
Nick in Northallerton
Also nickw7coc on both Yahoo Messenger & on MSN Messenger
And http://www.whelan.me.uk
Well I'm in Darlington. Had no powercuts although the lights has flashed
off and on a few times and street lights went off for a few seconds. Just
got my cable service back, looks as though that was affected more than
Very nice storm it was too, some amazing flashes and some of the thunder was
extremely loud. Loved it!