In fact Jon they've had CBs there for over an hour...!!
EGHH 032050Z 21019G35KT 5000 RA BKN009CB BKN018 10/11 Q1008 =
EGHH 032020Z 21023G37KT 5000 RA BKN010CB BKN019 10/10 Q1009 =
EGHH 031950Z 21021G31KT 7000 RA BKN010CB 10/10 Q1009 =
No sign at of any at Odiham at 2150Z - Southamptons's gone to bed..
Pretty wet and windy here at Guildford 3.0mm so far, but I think the front
has just gone through here as the wind has dropped off in the last 15mins.
"Jon O'Rourke" wrote in message
EGHH 032050Z 21019G35KT 5000 RA BKN009CB BKN018 10/11 Q1008
Somewhat unusual to see CB (embedded) reported at night in a frontal
situation with no sferics or reports of TS.