I do not have data for London, but in Wokingham, which is about 26 km west
of Heathrow, the conditions we
18 March 1979
Max 8.4 C Min -0.8C Rain 0.7 mm (24 hrs to 0900 on 19th)
Isolated patches of snow lying at 0900. Thunderstorm 1410-20. Showers of
rain and snow and rain and small hail, also occasional thunder heard, up to
Observation at 0900 : Wind E 4 kn Vis 10 km Temp 4.4 C Dew point 3.1C Cloud
1ok Cu 1500 ft.
Observation at 2100: Wind NE 4 kn Vis 5 km in mist Temp 2.2C Dew point 1.6C
Cloud 2 ok Sc 4500 ft, 3 ok Ci 25000ft.
This may give you a flavour of the conditions in London.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"lollypop" wrote in message
where can i please find historic UK specific weather information.
I wish to know for example how the weather was on March 18, 1979 in London
Any help is very much appreciated