"Phil Layton" wrote in message
In fact Jon they've had CBs there for over an hour...!!
Hmmm. Given the upper trough present, the radar and quite threatening
looking satellite imagery I don't doubt the presence of some embedded CB
tonight, but whether the ATC observer at Hurn could genuinely distinguish it
from everything else is another matter. Furthermore any CB is more likely to
be in the vicinity of the leading inner cold front (
http://imkpc3.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/pics/bracka.gif ) which at the time of
those obs was still seemingly well west of them.
...and then there's Gatwick EGKK 032150Z 21014KT 170V230 9999 RA FEW009
SCT012 10/09 Q1009 ... but I'll stop there !
Jon. (goes off mumbling about long dead Met Offices)