There is NOTHING magin about the metric system except for the fact that
units differ by powers of TEN.
Apart from the minor fact that almost everyone (19 out of 20 people
on this planet) uses it, you mean?
Well, sport, 49 out of 50 people (on this planet) don't qualify for Mensa.
And of course the fact that it is a coherent system, without a need
to memorize any unit-specific conversion factors in physics formulas?
Un huh.
You HAVE heard of the kilogram FORCE
unit, haven't you?
And of course the fact that a surprising number of useful everyday
quantities such as
- earth gravity (~10 m/s^2)
Well, in "English" its 32 ft/s^2 and 32 is a power of 2 (isn't "binary" more
"rational" than decimal?).
- water density (~1000 kg/m^3)
A pints a pound the world round!
(64 lbs/ft^3) (IOW another power of t
- length of equator (~40000 km)
So? in English its about 25,000 miles.
- speed of light (~300000000 m/s)
So? 186,000 miles/second!
- atmospheric pressure (~100 kPa)
14.5 psia
- recommended serving temperature of American soft drinks (0 deg C)
Or 32 F (another power of two).
- recommended brewing temperature of English breakfast tea (100 deg C)
But coffee (which AMERICANS prefer) is best brewed at 200F.
etc. happen to to be within about 1-2% of a round number, making
the metric system unbelievably convenient for quick estimates
with mental arithmetic.
Not to forget convenient approximations such as
- length of an adult's step (~1 m)
Well, a mile is 1,000 paces of your standard Roman Legionair type!
- width of an adult's hand (~0.1 m)
Length of an adult's foot is ONE FOOT.
- width of the nail of the small finger (~0.01 m)
ReallY? Thumb join is 1".
- an hour's drive by car (100 km)
Well, for most drivers who "bend" the limit just a "little", its 64 miles
(another power of 2).
- an hour's walk (10 km)
More like 3 MILES.
Can you name even a single country that adopted its customary
units from the US?
Who cares?
Why do you think did almost every country decide independently
to move to the metric system during the past 200 years?
Because they all fell for the "scientific" crap as did you.