"Michael McNeil" wrote in message
news:67801da5794c483c905ee4694fbe35e6.45219@mygate .mailgate.org
In short, as stated elsewhere in this thread, I do not have enough
familiarity with the effects of the number of minutes before and after
the hours of these phases:
30 NOV. 17:16. 8 DEC. 20:37. 16 DEC. 17:42. 23 DEC. 09:43.
They do produce, ridges cols and troughs. And the more widely accepted
methods of forecasting weather is capable of picking up -in plenty of
time- the likely positions of fronts with 3 or 4 days fairly accurate
Fortunately it is possible to forecast from these chaotic preparations
that a quake is due.
You might care to compare the maps on this page:
As you can see the Low that is sending out occluded fronts from Iceland
to Norway is still very much with us. I have an idea that this state of
affairs is to continue at least until around the 30th.
I am not saying that modern methods are useless but how much more use
would they be if they were utilized along side the good old fashioned
Chaos theory has much to commend it. The uninitiated may not realise
though, that the runs are moderated by the people in charge. A great
deal of the input is from experience not just mathematical data.
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