Humidity now out of fashion
Hello everybody,
One thing that has distinguished this hot spell from the one in August
1990 has been that the humidity has been much higher. Over SE England in the
last few days the dewpoints have been in the range 17-20°C yet I have not heard
one mention of it in a forecast despite the fact that these are high figures
and add greatly to the discomfort. Yet in 1990 many people I spoke to
attributed their discomfort to the humidity, due, no doubt to the fact that in
those days humidity was all the rage. Yet when I pointed out that the air was
quite dry (DP about 11°C) and the reason they felt hot was because it *was* hot
some even refused to believe it, presumably having absorbed the then current
I would have thought the forecasters would have made a right meal of the
current humidity levels, but barely a dicky-bird. I wonder why.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.