"David Ball" wrote in message

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 03:09:04 GMT, Psalm 110
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 12:13:07 -0500, David Ball
individual weather events never have a single cause.
I'd be particularly interested in how you
feel GW and CO2 produced the excessive rain.
If you don't know the linkages between excess retained heat energy and
evaporation-precipitation by now you never will.
There is more HEAT ENERGY in the global systen as CO2 rises. No
arguing this point is tolerated at this late date.
I'm asking for definitive proof of the role it played in THIS
event. No hand-waving. No scary stories. Just some facts. Prove what
you are saying.
I'm asking for definitive proof that global warming played NO role in THIS
event. No hand-waving. No reassuring stories. Just some facts. Prove what
you are saying, or **** off!
Cheers, Alastair.