Dave Keeling: Global warming expert shares 50 years of research
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 13:04:34 +0100, Martin Brown
It is too early to say if these individual events are a real marker of
climate change or just pure bad luck. Increased frequency of extreme
events will eventually become compelling evidence for GW, but a small
number of unusual events is indicative but not sufficient proof of
climate change.
No. It is not too early. The CO2 content has risen. CO2 retains ENERGY
that would otherwise escape the planet's weather systems. The weather
systems, having more energetic are now doing more energetic things
NOW. As the CO2 continues to rise there will be even more energy to
supercharge the weather systems and there will be even more energetic
weather chaos.
CO2 accumulation is about ENERGY OVERLOAD, not "warming" (which is a
partial side-effect of supercharging the weather systems.)