Dave Keeling: Global warming expert shares 50 years of research
"Tumbleweed" wrote in message ...
And you are actually full of ****. By the middle of August, we have
had two major Atlantic storms, one of them killing 20 people and
creating 10 billion dollars in damages, and there were two tropical
unnamed lows, one of them killing thousands in Haiti and the Dominican
Republic. All of this before the Cape Verde season has really even
started. That is not a 'relatively quiet' hurricane season by any
measure that I am familiar with. It's not even September yet.
The damage caused is a function of where they happen to land 9( at random),
and the fact that there are "a **** load more" people living in Florida
than ever did before. You cannot measure weather effects by economic damage!
In fact, with early warming systems in place and better building codes
modern damage is far less than it used to be.
Compare a force 4 hurricane here in Florida with few actual storm
related deaths (more happened post storm by people driving over downed
elewctrical wires than died by storm fury), to China.
On the very same day China had a typhoon of equivilent power and wind
speeds but 1,600 people died.
So you are vastly UNDERESTIMATING the modern damage, not inflating it.
The IMPORTANT POINT is there are people here now, whether more or less
is not the issue -- the issue is to learn from reality and avoid
future catastrophies if possible. Knowledge of weather not only allows
people to save more lives by warnings, but to save more property by
changing the weather to better than it would otherwise be if we made
it worse. One way or the other, human now have effects on weather.
That will never go away. We need to make intelligent decisions about
the weather we do make. We just threw away $14,000,000,000.00 worth of
property in one day in Florida. Does that make good economic sense to
Would spending half that much money to not lose that much enrich us by
50% over where we would be otherwise?