kryppy wrote:
On 9 Sep 2004 03:01:19 -0700, (Kent Paul Dolan)
These images change every six hours, so look fast,
but I think Orlando, Florida is under a curse:
Sitting here in Ft Laud with four ninty foot trees down in my back
yard, all I can say is bring it on. I've already identified and
eliminated most of my problems as I hope all have in the path.
Big trees are nice, but considering the fact that if one of mine would
have fell in a different direction I would have been squashed like a
bug where I was sleeping, they are gone and not coming back.
Good luck to all.
My one tip is, whatever generator you are thinking of buying is not
big enough. Spend double of what you are thinking. Consider a quiet
one as well.
It depends on how much stuff you want to run. I got by OK
with a 4 kilowatt one for 6 days after Isabel, and the only
concession I had to make was not running the washer on more
than a medium load. Of course, I wasn't trying to run the
whole house, just a fridge, washer and dryer, a microwave, TV,
a couple of lights, computer, and a fan. Quiet is nice,
especially if you have to have it close to the house. It is
also nicer for the neighbors, especially if you are the only
person in the neighborhood with one. You don't want them both
annoyed and jealous. ;-) My added recommendation is getting an
extended run generator and have plenty of expendables (including
oil and filters) on hand.
There are lies, damned lies, and quotes from literary icons.
The opinions expressed are mine personally and do not
reflect any position of the U.S. Government or NOAA.