January was WARMEST in the 126-year land record!
One last time, James. Try to learn
something this time.
There are many ways to correct for UHI.
GISS uses nighttime lights as observed
by satellites. IMHO, this is the best way.
USHCN uses census data. Both methods
agree that UHI correction is small and
positive in the US.
Because, of the large demographic shift
away from the farms and too the cities in
the continental US during the twentieth
century, UHI corrected data shows more
warming there. The USHCN sites got more
rural as people moved away. That is why
the CEE-OH-TOO (pseudo) scientists always
use raw, un-UHI corrected, data, yet they
carp about the UHI problem as if it
totally invalidated all the data. You
can't have it both ways, James.