Robert Grumbine wrote:
Please do provide a citation that all aquifers have to be fully
replenished before sea level can rise. Observations show that global
sea level has risen over the past century, yet aquifer levels have
been dropping.
The previous post I believe is misguided.
Sea levels are of course rising at 2.56 mm/year.
However, I was suprised to see that aquifier depletion could
acount for as much as 20% (0.5mm/year) of the observed rise.
IPCC lists anthropocentric factors as 'min' and 'max',
And other factors seem to balance 'groundwater mining',
though not exactly inspiring confidence in the numbers.
Given that ground water use grows with population,
seems likely that we are at 0.5mm/year and growing
for aquifier contribution to sea level rise.
When the Rapture comes, can I have your car?
When global warming comes, can I have your coat?