January was WARMEST in the 126-year land record!
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 16:19:28 -0500, "Vendicar Decarian"
"owl" wrote in message
.. .
6.25mbd increase ... anything unclear about that?
Lots. But foremost is the fact that oil production is typically half of
the expected production rate for new oil, for a variety of reasons.
No disagreement there, loam-dome. If the capacity coming online is
only half of their forecast (and they haven't accounted for it),
there'll be a shortage.
But that doesn't change the increase they've stated, which disproves
your 'already peaked' comment. To go back there with nothing but
self-manufactured proof is the realm of fiction.
And this presumes that the total amount produced is equal to the
total anticipated. The recent average has been that total production
is less than 50% of the stated capacity."
This didn't come from the article. You need it to make the shortfall
work, but there's nothing in the article to say if there forecast to
say they haven't based forecast on the historic rates.
Oil production has already peaked.
You have only repeated the error, erroneiously cutting the new
production forecast in half. You have trouble with comprehension when
the article clearly states increased production over the next six
years (but not as fast as the increase in demand). To actually read
through that and then revert to stating we're past the peak is absurd.
You have a weak link with reality and an insulting posture when you
think you're audience is a gullible as yourself.