From -20 C to +20 C
"Evert Wesker" schreef in bericht
For the folks in Minnesota (or similar places in the mid-west US) it
doesn't sound impressive.
However, in The Netherlands, a country with a very moderate climate,
it is! On the morning of March 4th a temperature of -20.7 C was
recorded as a national low. Today a national high of 21.7 C was
rercorded. A swing of over 42 degrees Celsius.
It is a new national record - this temperature swing within a calender
Just read that the old record ( ie biggest temperature-range within a month)
is from March 1931. The range was 41.1 C. March 10th ms 17,8° C (Warnsveld)
and March 20th + 23,3° C at Maastricht.
Centre of the Netherlands