Thanks for the spotlight. If you can see my posts, they range from totally
coherent, scientific and thoughful (see above), to the ludicrous/sarcastic
(bordering Mr. Moriarty fame). The type of post you receive is based on the
sensefulness and relevance of the original post. Do I think you toot your
own employer's horn to much? You bet! And why? Just once I want to hear 5
reasons why someone would WANT to work there, because from numerous 1st
person dealings, there is a strong desire to leave despite being held
captive by Bubba the jail master. Companies that treat their employees well
(through pay, work environment, duty hours, etc...) don't have contracts
because they don't have turnover (especially in such an awesome city as
SCE). End of discussion.
wrote in message
EdM wrote:
wrote in news:1112107667.081738.294380
Fortunately, I recieved better and more intelligent advice
that figures, of course:
It is indeed fortunate that you received legitimate responses to such
belligerent and ill conceived post. No one is arguing that freezing
was likely the result of a proper manual augmentation. But your
will fall upon deaf ears unless you refine your approach.
The fact that several people gave you that advice and your response
was to
imply that they are wrong because they are posting here tells me that
just don't get it. I've always written your loose-cannon approach
off to
youthful exhuberence, but if you don't get over it soon, it will turn
something that will create life-long difficulties for you.
This is the last time (I think) that I will risk a flaming by
you against self-inflicting wounds. Its your life, but an open mind
save you from a lot of future grief.
My point was not simply regarding posts like this one, but to the state
of this place in general... for example, here is the list of the most
recent topics as listed on Google Groups:
Lazy FAA Observer at Trenton-Mercer Airport
Bartlo thinks Jackson is sexy [ Pest posts, March 12-26
Is it time for ****seph Blerto's psest lits, yet?
NOMINATION - Vito Kuhn for 72 Raisins "Crackpot Religion" Award
(Fwd) Norm Nowrecki - Kookology - And The Sands Of Time
Another one of my predictions
Barlo Blows Billygoats
6th Annual NE.Wx Snowfall Forecast Contest #8 - The Forecasts
digest, volume 2453447
Killington, VT
Change of Seasons
Major East coast event tomm
Weekend Reading
Life support
Forecast Contest?
Pictures from State College, from yesterday and this morning
Petrus -your PC date is one day ahead
it WAS all about oil!
The BIG Winners... For once, NOT a New England storm...
AccuWeather Channel
the furure= future
JB Wins Over DT? NO!!!
Coastal next week?
Where is Bartlo?
A ? for Mike Moriarty: Ann Arbor's Snowiest?
; Calling out Dr Harvie....
I mean, for Pete's sake, half the topics are ridiculous...
Then, we come to what has been increasingly annoying about this
place... attacks.
For example:
I posted the AccuWeather Channel news release. No, not to make Joel
happy or whatever you sick pathetic losers here think, but because I
thought SOME of you might just be a little interested. Instead,
MeatyUrologist makes one of the most insulting responses I have ever
read, for NO reason except perhaps the fact that he is actually a NWS
employee who hates us as much as SOME (not all) at AccuWeather hate
Another one... I make a post bemoaning the lack of snow State College
is receiving compared to normal and compared to my home town, and
MeatyUrologist pops in again with "How much icing would it take to
collapse the fortress on Science Park road? Worker's Comp!!!"...
I could even mention the "blizzard condition" debates... TQ was the
star in those, of course...
The fact of the matter is that this is a deplorable place to discuss
anything. Only reason I still post here at all is to annoy the hell
out of those who would rather see me leave....there are certainly
better places to discuss the weather on the 'net.
Raymond C. Martin, Jr.
Associate Meteorologist, AccuWeather Inc.-
New Jersey Expressways and Tollways -
Ray's Winter Storm Archive -