EdM wrote:
Another one... I make a post bemoaning the lack of snow State
is receiving compared to normal and compared to my home town, and
MeatyUrologist pops in again with "How much icing would it take to
collapse the fortress on Science Park road? Worker's Comp!!!"...
Actually, that was pretty funny. I recently saw George Hamilton
actor, hair always in place, rediculously dark tan, etc...) making
of himself and his tanning/grooming habits, etc. He has been the
target of ridicule for those traits in the past, but comes off as
just being a decent guy anyway because he is willing to have a little
fun instead of getting defensive and ****ed off. This might be a
model for you to consider. The fortress on Science Park road sounds
like an inside joke, which strikes me as more of an attempt to
bond...or at least heal wounds, than as an attempt to harm you. You
need to work on your sense of humor.
I bet if I made a joke like that about the NWS, I wouldn't generate
anywhere near the kind of amusement from others as you suggest was
generated by MeatyUrologist's comment.
Raymond C. Martin, Jr.
Associate Meteorologist, AccuWeather Inc.-
New Jersey Expressways and Tollways -
Ray's Winter Storm Archive -