On 21 Apr 2005 10:53:19 -0700,
Mike Harpe , in
.com wrote:
+ I have a petition setup at....
+ http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/SaveTheNWS
+ Please check this out and sign it! I plan to distribute the results to
+ the responsible legislators.
All well and good, but no substitue for writing a letter, on paper,
complete with stamp and sending it to your representatives.
If you do, be polite. Try to be grammatically and spelling
correct. Point out the problem of having to pay twice for data.
Consulting Minister for Consultants, DNRC
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow
isn't looking good, either.
I am BOFH. Resistance is futile. Your network will be assimilated.