I R A Darth Aggie wrote:
On 22 Apr 2005 12:10:38 -0700,
, in
. com wrote:
+ Are you saying that private meteorologists can't beat the almost
+ universally maligned lazy government bureaucrats or a bunch of ivory
+ tower egghead professors and wet-behind-the-ears students at their
+ own game.
Note the omitted ;-) in your quote of what I wrote.
No. And for the same reason that proprietary software producers are
feeling the Free Software pinch: for as many smart people you can hire
and employ, there are 100 times as many out there that you *can't*.
It's a matter of numbers, and they haven't got them. And there's a
multiplicative factor if those 100x as many can collaborate together.
If we can see a bit further than those that have come before us, it is
because we stand on the shoulder (and not the necks) of giants.
Consulting Minister for Consultants, DNRC
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow
isn't looking good, either.
I am BOFH. Resistance is futile. Your network will be assimilated.
Russell Martin R. L. Martin and Associates, Consultants in
Science and Technology
All too often the study of data requires care.