An Example of Fossil Fool Science
"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
You are asking a very perceptive question, Alan. A question that
deserves an answer.
A Venn diagram of "Fossil Fools" and "Young Earth Creationists"
overlaps greater than 90%. The two groups use the same tactics,
as well. There was a Poll that demonstrated this, but I can't
seem to find it now. (Maybe someone can help me here.)
The sets of "Tobacco Lobbyists" and "anti-environmentalists" have
a large overlap too. You'll find the same public relations outfits
serving all four causes. Heartland and Cato are two examples
from among many.
If you asked the nutroll with the stupid biblical flood theory
in this article, I'll bet that he won't agree with mainstream
science on tobacco, global warming, or the findings of
environmental science either.
You sound more paranoid than usual.