HM Admiralty Weather Records.
In article,
Michael Mcneil writes:
I watched a little of a BBC programme on an eruption of Tambora some 200
years ago, earlier today.
The narrator made the point that there is a plethora of detailed
meteorological information extant in the logs of His Majesty's Ships of
the time.
It struck me that if it were all posted online for examination in
greater detail it would provide a wealth of useful data for comparing
then and now.
It would indeed, but scanning them all would be a very time-consuming
(and hence expensive) job. I know that climatologists interested in the
period have been looking at some of these logs.
John Hall
"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts;
but if he will be content to begin with doubts,
he shall end in certainties." Francis Bacon (1561-1626)