"Bob Harrington" wrote in message
Roger Coppock wrote:
nothing on topic or rational here
Evidence of concurrent climate change on another planet in the solar
system is off topic and irrational in a discussion of global warming?
Yes. Perhaps if you have some mutual mechanism in mind and some additional
evidence of it. Otherwise, it is a completely irrelevant coincidence.
Absent the above, you could still make a convincing case of some unknown
factor if you had evidence that all the planets in the solar system were
responding in kind.
Also note that the single region on Mars highlighted does not indicate a
global martian phenomenon. As the sceptics are so fond of pointing out,
some glaciers are growing, some receeding. While they are wrong in their
use of this fact (because there is a very large majority receeding) they are
correct that you must be careful about extrapolating to a global effect from
a small set of data points.
In this case you are taking a single data point, no proposed mechanism, no
suggested pattern, literally from another planet and trying to draw
conclusions relevant to earth's GW process in spite of mountains of
terrestrial data and knowledge. I think, though a tempting diversion,
presented as it was, absent any context or explanation, it does qualify as
off-topic and irrational.
Coby Beck
(remove #\Space "coby 101 @ bigpond . com")