Climate change: its worse than you think
"Huge" wrote in message
"Peter Hearnden" writes:
"Huge" wrote in message
Mark Preston writes:
Huge wrote:
Mark Preston writes:
Its only "in debate" in America, where the government (and I kid you
not) flatly refused to accept the scientific opinion because it was
"incompatible with political objectives" (Bush's words, supposedly).
The fact is, there is little or no scientific debate about it
anywhere -
it is simply a fact of life.
This is simply untrue. I was talking to the head of climate research
large British University a few months ago, and he said that although
is little doubt that that the world is getting warmer, there is no
at all that the cause is mankind's fault.
Scientists say what the funding organisations want to hear.
I would be most interested to hear of any reputable scientist who
that opinion.
Which opinion? That there is no evidence that global warming is man's
fault? Most of them, in private, I expect.
So you, an unnamed poster, provides 'evidence' from unnamed sources. Do
expect anyone to take you seriously?
Another noob.
Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking to "Col".
You must be the newbie, as you refused to name your sources. If you had a
credible and real point to make, you wouldn't be hiding your source.