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I thought Hampstead (1975) was a multi-cell that happened to regenerate in the
same place due to ideal upper wind configurations ?
For a supercell you need a low modified Richardson number (CAPE/helicity 10),
high CAPE itself (1000 J/Kg), massive directional and speed wind shear in the
lowest 2 km of atmosphere and a rotating updraught.
I will be a bit controversial and say that true supercells have not been
observed in the UK.
But I'm willing to be proved wrong given unequivocal observational evidence.
" A cup is most useful when empty "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
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JPG wrote in message ...
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 09:12:22 +0000 (UTC), Simon Wyndham
Layperson question. Has a supercell TS ever been recorded in the UK
The Hampstead storm of August 1975 was a supercell. Google on
Hampstead storm for details.
As for their frequency, stormchasers and recorder/researchers such as
Les Crossan and Trevor Harley might have an idea, I would guess about
once a decade.
Much has been made of the discovery of the supercell in the UK,
but was this discovery made from observing other countries, or from an
actual occurrence in the UK?