Now I suspect there is a nice simple analogy for rainfall on continents
and it is the analogy of a water pump. The amount of water a pump can
deliver to a region of land depends on the pump strength and how close
the pump is to the source and how much elevation the pump has to
overcome. The interior of continents depends on the oceans as a pump
to evaporate water and to deliver that evaporated water into the
interiors. This involves Jet Streams and other currents of wind and
air. But as the global-warming increases hurricane activity interfers
with the slow and steady process of evaporation and delivery into
continent interiors and the dumping of that water by the hurricanes
along the coasts.
In other words, Global Warming interfers with the slow and steady
process of cloud delivery of water to continental interiors and dumps
the water on the hurricane pathway. So as Global Warming increases then
human agriculture has to decrease due to the failing of rainfall.
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies