In article ,
owl wrote:
On 15 Aug 2005 15:09:46 GMT, (Lloyd Parker) wrote:
In article ,
owl wrote:
On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 18:31:09 +0100, "Alastair McDonald"
. uk wrote:
"owl" wrote in message
Back to the original article Roger posted:-
"This was used by some critics to say 'We don't believe
in climate models, they're wrong,'" Santer told LiveScience. "Other
people used the disconnect between what the satellites told and what
surface thermometers told us to argue that the surface data were wrong
and that earth wasn't really warming because satellites were much more
I think it is true to say that George W. Bush belongs to the first group
Actually, GBJr has never denied GW or human involvement (tho you'd
think otherwise when his loyalists 'discuss' it.):- he's just thrown
up the FUD about everything that follows after that.
He most certainly denied both, up until this year.
That's just plain incorrect, a great myth, and a media ponyride that
keeps trying to say 'there, he said it' for a headline.
Oh come on, of the EPA report about global warming, he dismissed it as
something the "bureaucrats" had said. He repeatedly said more study was
needed, that the science was not settled. Only this year did he accept GW.
Back as far as his famous No-Kyoto rejection, the theme was 'It's
about the environment. And it's about jobs. There has to be a
Said Bush in 2001 - "We'll be working with our allies to reduce
greenhouse gases, but I will not accept a plan that will harm our
economy and hurt American workers," the president told reporters
Thursday when asked about the climate agreement reached in 1997 in
Kyoto, Japan.
He's used Fear (you'll lose your job), Uncertainty (unsubstantiated
claims of Science, more research required), and Doubt (you may not
have electricity) to keep the issue off his agenda.
Speech in 2002:-,00.html
"In pursuit of this goal, my government has set two priorities: we
must clean our air, and we must address the issue of global climate
change. We must also act in a serious and responsible way, given the
scientific uncertainties. While these uncertainties remain, we can
begin now to address the human factors that contribute to climate
change. Wise action now is an insurance policy against future risks."
"I reaffirm America's commitment to the United Nations Framework
Convention and it's central goal, to stabilise atmospheric greenhouse
gas concentrations at a level that will prevent dangerous human
interference with the climate. Our immediate goal is to reduce
America's greenhouse gas emissions relative to the size of our
"If, however, by 2012, our progress is not sufficient and sound
science justifies further action, the United States will respond with
additional measures that may include broad-based market programmes as
well as additional incentives and voluntary measures designed to
accelerate technology development and deployment."
Like I posted - GWBJr hasn't denied global warming or absolved a human
connection. Show me the denial.
July 24, 2003 - The Bush administration announced its final details of a
plan to study global warming to determine whether greenhouse gases and other
human-generated pollutants have contributed to an unnatural warming of Earth's
atmosphere. This move was widely criticized and seen as a way for the
Administration to delay any real action on global warming.
(7/25/03 – The Washington Post, “Taking on Global Climate Change”)
Then there's the changing of the EPA report, deleting the section on GW.
Refuse to believe that too?