pyotr filipivich wrote:
Let the record show that The Real Bev wrote back on
Sun, 28 Aug 2005 22:52:09 -0700 in misc.survivalism :
Sue wrote:
"Frank White" wrote:
Too_Many_Tools wrote:
If you were bugging out from this, what would you have in your bug out
LOTS of money, plenty of gas, several changes of clothing, all my
irreplaceable keepsakes,
Other useful stuff listed before, but I'd also make sure I had two life
preservers for each person just in case it became necessary to swim.
In a Cat 4 hurricane, "swimming is not an option". We're talking rain
coming down like a cow ****ing on a flat rock, and run off which will drown
That's before you get into any 'surge' from the wind. And the things
floating in the water. Debris, dead trees, dead critters, and "fluids not
Think about the Tsunami videos from last December. take a look at some
of the historical photos of previous 'monster' hurricanes. You can tell
there used to be a motel there, see the pool?
I saw some of those. I'm sure that if people had been able to float quite a
few of them might have made it. At least it would improve the odds a little
bit and it's not like an inner tube or life jacket costs hundreds of dollars.
I'd have to have a small moving van.
Sue - sentimentalist
Me too. Would we have time to pull the HDs out of our computers? At least I
have the rest of the family photos right by my chair -- getting ready to scan
them when I get the energy.
In terms of a Hurricane, you'll have all the time in the world, if you
pay attention to the weather report. Remove the HD, gather the Important
Papers (credit cards, ID, bank statements, titles, passports, etc), pack
the car, all that good stuff, and don't wait for the official order to
I don't think I'd ever want to live in a place where life-threatening weather
was commonplace. Earthquakes aren't as bad as they're cracked up to be.
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the straps.